Our Why
Propel Scholars Award (PSA) is seeking to change the landscape of America and join the fight against poverty among students from challenged communities. PSA offers a unique combination of scholarship awarding, financial literacy, and service work to promote the financial and moral development of participants. Ultimately, PSA is designed to disrupt the familial pattern of lack and serve as a social equalizer.
What We Do
PSA is a scholarship program that provides renewable $2,500 scholarship awards to students from low-income communities. Scholarship recipients and partnering schools participate in financial literacy workshops and receive resources to increase exposure to wealth building practices. PSA further students' moral development by engaging students in volunteer or service learning projects.
Propel Scholars Award
If you have questions, please contact us. The Propel Scholars Award team is looking to serve families and communities in need of educational services. We will fulfill our mission to propel students into their life's calling.
Address: 453 S Spring Street Ste 400 PMB1291
Los Angeles, CA 90013
United States
Email: info@propelscholarsaward.org
Phone: 972-244-3563
Propel Scholars Award is a 501(c)(3) public charity, EIN 85-1564903.
"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world."
Nelson Mandela